EPTworks brings you indepth knowledge of the Emotional Polarity Technique from Dr. Annette Cargioli.








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Emotional Polarity Technique is a completely different approach in
emotional healthcare. Rather than relying on conventional drug therapy
or traditional talk therapy, EPT relies on the science of forgiveness.
Science says that not only is it possible , it is very likely that your pain and disease is caused by the unresolved pain and trauma in your childhood.
Science has also discovered that forgiveness can resolve the trauma that creates physical and emotional suffering in your life.
This is why EPT™ is so effective in ending emotional pain and suffering. In this podcast, I will tell you about these two scientific discoveries that explain why EPT™ works so well to change your life for good.
Simply put, EPT uses the power of forgiveness to transform the
adversity in your life that is making you sick, physically and 
The immediate result is you just feel a whole lot better.
The long term result is permanent positive behavior changes,
a healthier life for you and a better world for everyone.
You can’t wait a lifetime for your past hurt to keep showing up
in your life as pain, disease or a difficult relationship that can
ruin your life.
Now you can end the stress your life adversity is causing you and free up energy to create more of what you really enjoy in your life.
EPT has over 25 years of success ending depression, anxiety and
all manner of pain and suffering in both adults and children.
I invite you to call for a free EPT consult so you can discover for yourself how EPT works to change your life for good. 317-585-9410
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Hi, I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli, the forgiveness doctor.
I'm here to help you create phenomenal health, happiness and
new life with  
with energy, intuition and forgiveness.
In a world where emotional health is often treated with mind
altering drugs or years of talk therapy, it’s time for more compassionate imaginative initiatives in emotional healthcare.
EPT is short for Emotional Polarity Technique, an innovative,
holistic emotional therapy
that will change your life and health for good.
You can learn more about Emotional Polarity Technique through
my new book: The Forgiveness Doctor available on amazon.com
You can subscribe to this podcast,
get free EPT training at EPTworks.com
and like us on Facebook.

Chapter 10 from The Forgiveness Doctor.
Ready for a Change: EPT works

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Episode 63 Part 2 Chapter 9 EPT And Family Constellations

The Forgiveness Doctor : Chapter 9 EPT And Family Constellations Part.2

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 63


Welcome to podcast #63 
This is part 2 of  Chapter 9 EPT and Family Constellations 
from my book The Forgiveness Doctor 

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Episode 62 Part 1 Chapter 9 EPT And Family Constellations

The Forgiveness Doctor : Chapter 9 EPT And Family Constellations Part.1

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 62


Welcome to podcast #62  
This is part 1 of Chapter 9 EPT and Family Constellations 
from my book The Forgiveness Doctor 

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Episode 61 The Secret To Being A Great Healer

The Secret To Being A Great Healer

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 61


Welcome to podcast #61 The Secret to Being a Great Healer
Don't you love learning faster, amazing ways of helping someone heal?  The more techniques, tricks and remedies you learn, the more you realize how infinite healing resources are. 
As you learn more and more, your healing bag becomes full and overflowing with incredible ideas, techniques and remedies to help people get well.
While great techniques can help people heal.  A great technique is not the secret to being a great healer.  

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Episode 60  Here's a Quick Way to Know Your Hidden Limiting Beliefs

Here's a Quick Way to Know Your Hidden Limiting Beliefs

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 60


Hello friends and welcome to episode #60 titled
Heres a quick way to know your hidden limiting beliefs
In this episode you will learn:
-how to identify your own hidden beliefs 
-Why this is helpful to your life
-and of course, how to use forgiveness to transform those beliefs that no longer serve you into something that actually makes your life much better than you deserve.
Your beliefs operate to limit your perception of reality. You can only see or notice what you believe in. If you dont believe in the miraculous, you are not likely to see a miracle or if you do see a miracle, you will not believe it really happened and you will explain it away.
If you believe that most people think that alternative health care is a waste of time and money; you will attract more of those people.
If you believe you cant pay taxes and personal bills; you will have a hard time making enough money to pay both.
By figuring out your hidden limiting beliefs, you can transform them with forgiveness and open up to new life experiences you have never known.
So are you ready to broaden your perception of reality and see more of your dreams come true?

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Episode 59 The Secret to Unlimited Abundance

The Secret to Unlimited Abundance

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 59


Hi friends!  Welcome to episode #59: The secret to unlimited abundance.
In this episode you will learn:
-The secret to unlimited abundance
-The spiritual and scientific basis for this secret
-How you can use this secret yourself  to influence a flow of unlimited abundance in your own life.
The secret to unlimited abundance is giving: not just giving to get, but really opening up and giving from your heart. 
We all know it is better to give than to receive; what we may not really understand is why this is the case. It’s simple, really—the more you give of yourself, the more you will receive. By releasing energy, you open a space that must be filled. When you give freely and unconditionally, success and abundance will naturally flow to you.
There is a universal law of giving and receiving. This law is as sure as the law of gravity. Like the law of gravity, the law of giving and receiving can be observed as a natural force within the universe. 
When you give of your time, energy and resources with no strings attached, you instantaneously set the law of giving and receiving in motion. You become a magnet, attracting success and abundance.

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Episode 58 How to Get Skinny and Stay Skinny with EPT

How to Get Skinny and Stay Skinny with EPT

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 58


In this episode, you get to listen to three sisters, Annette, Linda and Sherry, discuss how to get skinny and stay skinny with EPT. 
You will learn:
Each sister's unique history of struggling with body weight and body image.
What made the biggest difference for each one of them.
The turning point emotional issue that worked for each of them.
We will also include thoughts and ideas about eating to enable feeling vs. eating to stop feelings.
Finally, we will give you the best healthy eating actions you can learn to take to stay skinny along with some fun tips for healthy food options that can take the place of the unhealthy food you love and crave. 
Listen and be inspired to move in the healthiest direction for your body, life and future.

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Episode 57 The Forgiveness Doctor: Part 2, Chapter 8 EPT Advanced Concepts: Guilt, Shame and Humiliation, Addiction, SUE’s and Action Steps

The Forgiveness Doctor: Part 2, Chapter 8: EPT Advanced Concepts: Guilt, Shame and Humiliation, Addiction, SUE’s and Action Steps

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 57


The Forgiveness Doctor: Part 2, Chapter 8 EPT Advanced Concepts: Guilt, Shame and Humiliation, Addiction, SUE’s and Action Steps
In this episode I’ll be sharing part 2, chapter 8 from my book The Forgiveness Doctor.
EPT Advanced Concepts: Guilt, Shame and Humiliation, Addiction, SUE’s and Actions Steps

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Episode 56 The Forgiveness Doctor: Part 1, Chapter 8: EPT Advanced Concepts: The Human Energy Field, Death and Closure & Pain Management

The Forgiveness Doctor: Part 1, Chapter 8: EPT Advanced Concepts: The Human Energy Field, Death and Closure & Pain Management

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 56


The Forgiveness Doctor: Part 1, Chapter 8: EPT Advanced Concepts: The Human Energy Field, Death and Closure & Pain Management
In this episode, I’ll be sharing part 1 of chapter 8 from my book, The Forgiveness Doctor. 
EPT Advanced Concepts: The Human Energy Field, Death and Closure & Pain Management

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Episode 55 Spontaneous Thoughts on the Energy of Words and Forgiveness

Spontaneous Thoughts on the Energy of Words and Forgiveness

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 55


Dr. Annette Cargioli and Sherry Hamilton continue the chat about making forgiveness statements in this spontaneous conversation we recorded, so you can gain even more insight into the  energy of words and forgiveness in the context of helping others with Emotional Polarity Technique™.

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Episode 54 Interview with Sherry Hamilton-More Tips For Making Incredible Forgiveness Statements

Interview with Sherry Hamilton:

More Tips For Making Incredible Forgiveness Statements

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 54


This is an interview with Sherry Hamilton sharing her best tips for making incredible forgiveness statements. 
Sherry Hamilton has been an EPT practitioner for over 20 years. She is a lead Core Training Instructor and a Master EPT Practitioner. She is in private practice in Huntsville, Alabama. Her website is www.EPTworksHuntsville.com  She also hosts a podcast called 100 Days of EPT.  www.EPT100days.podbean.com  

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EPT Episode 53 Getting In The Flow of Creative Forgiveness

Getting In The Flow of Creative Forgiveness 

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 53


Hi everyone!  Hopefully, you are already feeling much more confident with step 4 Forgiveness in the EPT healing strategy. Step 4 can be challenging for many people because it requires a faith in jumping into the flow that is already there for you and your client. This 4 part podcast series is designed to help you to really get good at creating forgiveness statements that have the greatest impact on igniting new life in your clients. 
Even if you feel pretty good about your ability to make those forgiveness statements and affirmations, Im pretty certain this 4 part series will still kick your statements up a notch. If you are still insecure about applying this aspect of EPT, I encourage you to listen to this series more than once. I guarantee it will sink in and you will find yourself more confident with making statements than ever before.
It’s all about getting in the flow of forgiveness which happens to be the title of this episode: Getting in the Flow of Forgiveness.
I know you can become a genius with forgiveness statements, just like the EPT practitioners who seem to easily flow the most profound forgiveness statements and lets admit it heresometimes it can be quite intimidating to try your hand at this new flow of forgiveness when there is someone who is already quite comfortable with it.
Rest assured that no matter how advanced another practitioner seems to you, they also took this same journey you are taking to get good at forgiveness statements. I want you to just let go of the fear and intimidation, relax and let this information sink into your mind. Its just a new way of thinking. Let your mind take it in. 
In this episode:
I will review all of the types of statements I have already talked about that are most frequently used in step 4 of the EPT healing strategy.
I will also add one more powerful statement that comes in the form of a prayer. 

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EPT Episode 52 How To Form Great Forgiveness Statements

How To Form Great Forgiveness Statements

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 52



Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.Hi Everyone

Hi Everyone! Thanks for listening, but more than that—thank you for opening your heart to the power of forgiveness. I’m sure you have made it this far on this series because you have an amazing heart to help people release the burdens that hold them back from greater awareness of God’s love for them.


You are listening to episode 52. This episode is part 3 of a 4-part series on Forgiveness. It is titled How to Form Great Forgiveness Statements.


It is my hope that this series will help you to become more confident and skilled with coaching people with precise and targeted forgiveness statements. No matter what level you are at with your creative forgiveness coaching, I feel certain this series will ignite even more confidence and passion in you to help others release what no longer serves them.


In part 1, I talked about

-Why forgiveness is the Ultimate Healing

-How forgiveness ignites miraculous healing and

-How to form forgiveness statements using the root memory found in the EPT procedure.


In part 2

I go into the details of the 5 Tips for Forgiveness

-and details of constructing positive affirmations that “fill in the space” or “write a new story"—the space is what is left when you unload all that pain from a person’s body, mind and spirit. 

Part 2 also includes lots of examples of forgiveness statements and positive affirmations that you can listen to over and over, to get a better feel for how to incorporate all these ideas into one incredible EPT session.


In this episode I will be increasing your understanding and skills even further with How to Form Great Forgiveness Statements.


You will learn

-How the first 3 steps in the EPT 4 step strategy (focus, find it, fix it and forgive it) set the stage to open the door wide open for massive healing through forgiveness. 

-the three most important components for forming great forgiveness statements

-What is Total Absolution and when is that needed?


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EPT Episode 51 Freestyle Forgiveness:Taking Forgiveness to Another Level

Freestyle Forgiveness:Taking

Forgiveness to Another Level

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 51


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

Welcome to episode 51. This is part 2 of a 4 part series on Forgiveness, titled: Freestyle Forgiveness: Taking Forgiveness to Another Level.

In part 1, I talked about
-Why forgiveness is the Ultimate Healing
-How forgiveness ignites miraculous healing and
-How to form forgiveness statements using root memory found in the EPT procedure.

Here is the recap again for creating forgiveness statements:
1. Look at the statement that describes the root memory.
2. Use this statement to form forgiveness statements that release beliefs that no longer serve this person’s life.
3. Ask yourself what you would have to believe that isn’t true if you went through that same stress.
4.  Follow the order I gave you:
    1. I forgive self
    2. I forgive another
    3. I give permission to the other to forgive
5. Remember to forgive what you believed that isn’t necessarily true.
6. Fill in the space with the statements beginning: Without this pain I am free to. . .
what am I free to do?
what am I free to feel and enjoy?
what am I free to heal?
what am I free to create?

In this part, I’m going to expand on concepts that help you to immediately take your forgiveness statements to the next level.

The concepts I’m referring to are found in my book, The Forgiveness Doctor in chapter 6, Let’s Talk About Forgiveness.

In my book they are referred to as Five Tips For Forgiveness. These tips are your go-to power players when it comes to getting better at creating forgiveness statements for your clients.




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EPT episode 50 Forgiveness: The Ultimate Healing

Forgiveness:The Ultimate Healing

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 50


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.


Welcome to episode 50!  This episode is the first of a series of 4 on the topic of forgiveness. EPT is a 4 step healing strategy that is structured to open pathways to true forgiveness within the body, mind and spirit.
The EPT focus on forgiveness ignites miraculous, spontaneous healing by coaching each person into their own unique and relevant forgiveness moment” through targeted forgiveness statements. 
EPT practitioners become experts in forming relevant forgiveness statements with the power to increase break through healing at every level of body, mind and spirit.
This series of 4 podcasts is designed to help EPT practitioners to increase their skill and confidence in forming forgiveness statements that catalyze greater healing transformation in their clients. 
Even if you are not an EPT practitioner, you will find value for your own life by increasing your knowledge of the art of forgiveness.
Here are the upcoming episode titles:
1) Forgiveness: The Ultimate Healing
2) Freestyle Forgiveness: Taking Forgiveness to Another Level
3) How to Form Great Forgiveness Statements
4) Getting in the Flow of Forgiveness



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Practitioner, Kelly Lenart interviews Dr. Annette Cargioli

Practitioner, Kelly Lenart interviews Dr. Annette Cargioli

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 49


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.


Kelly Lenart is a certified EPTworks™ Practitioner. She is located in Cincinnati, Ohio. Kelly takes private EPT appointments and she also offers an online coaching program called 20 in 12 that includes Emotional Polarity Technique™ sessions as part of the 12 week coaching package.Kelly is passionate about helping others change their life through more innovative holistic approaches such as EPT™. In this interview,  Kelly talks with Dr. Annette Cargioli about Emotional Polarity Technique™, what it is, how it came to be and what is the vision for the future of EPT™.


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  The Forgiveness Doctor Chapter 7 part 2: Shortcuts: Putting it All Together and The Seven Stages of Healing| Episode 48|EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

The Forgiveness Doctor Chapter 7 part 2

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 48


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.


The Seven Stages of Healing is a scale that measures where a person is with regard to their spiritual awareness. The higher a person is on the scale, the faster they can respond to any healing modality.Since people are multi-dimensional, a person can be in one stage of healing with regard to their body image, another stage of healing with regard to their marriage relationship, and yet another stage of healing with regard to their financial health.As you begin to understand the seven stages of healing, you will see the value of just knowing this scale and how it explains where you have been, where you are stuck and where you are going.


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 The Forgiveness Doctor Chapter 7 part 1: Shortcuts: Putting it All Together and The Seven Stages of Healing| Episode 47|EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

The Forgiveness Doctor Chapter 7 part 1

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 47


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.


Early on in my emotional healing work, I discovered a few shortcuts. These shortcuts have become invaluable to the process of EPT™. The first one, Putting It All Together , was born out of my need to know how many emotional issues were necessary to move this person forward today.


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Chapter 6 - Let's Talk About Forgiveness | Episode 46 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Chapter 6 - Let's Talk about forgiveness

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 46


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

Way back in 1989, I was transforming my chiropractic practice into a holistic healing practice that included chiropractic care and nutritional advice. I had begun using muscle testing as a tool when consulting with patients. In 1991 when i took NET with Scott Walker, I was ready for more energy work training. I was greatly influenced by his work. By the end of 1995, I had developed a simplified emotional energy correction with magnets and breathing. I had also moved deeply into the realm of the power of forgiveness. My Christian background had taught me how forgiveness works in my soul salvation. However, I was learning how forgiveness is simply the immense power of Christ's love for all who honor it. No matter what your faith, you can see and feel the power of healing in Christ's love. It just is.


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Warning! 2 Things That Stop You From Manifesting Your Dream Life | Episode 45 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Warning! 2 Things That Stop You From Manifesting Your Dream Life

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 45


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

So you know exactly what you want. 

You have mapped out your dream life full of all the experiences you still haven't enjoyed fully.

You may even have a fancy vision board with pictures of all the cool stuff you've decided to manifest in your life.

This is simple, right? All you have to do is keep your focus on your dream long enough and it will eventually appear.

The reality is you have a drawer full of dreams that you have never manifested and it's been too long.

It's time to take another look at where you are stuck and exactly what is keeping you from driving to your dream destination in life.

In this podcast you will learn 2 things that stop you from Manifesting your dream life.

I'll also include some dynamite forgiveness statements to help you release these old patterns and drive on to your dream destination in life. 

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I Can't Get Out of Debt | Episode 44 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

I Can't Get Out of Debt

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 44


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

There is a powerlessness about debt that is tangible.       There is a sense of suffering, guilt and not having enough in the experience of owing more than we can pay.

Hello Everyone! In this podcast you will learn how forgiving the invisible debt from your childhood can help you to release the financial debt stuck in your life now.

Debt is just money you owe. It can be eliminated by paying the money you owe. The debt is not your problem. It is the way you feel about the debt that creates your suffering.

Once you enter that state of suffering, guilt and emptiness; it becomes impossible to take power over debt in your life. These negative feelings about money and debt usually come from childhood. You absorb the feelings your parents hold about money and debt. 

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If Only | Episode 43 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

If Only

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 43


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

Have you ever had a problem you just couldn't change?  You know what I'm talking about; stuff like that extra twenty pounds you just can't seem to keep off or credit card debt that never goes away or a relationship that makes you feel devasted every time you think of it.

In this podcast, I'm going to talk about idols. Now I'm sure none of you have a golden calf in your living room that you bow down to - I'm referring to the modern day idols that we bow down to , give all our attention and focus and believe they can make our lives better or get us what we crave. 

You will learn

-what a modern day idol looks like.

-why you need to rid your life of idols

-and how doing this will allow immediate reconnection with your divine source.

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Category:website -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

The Forgiveness Doctor Chapter 5: EPT's Simple Four Step Formula: Focus! Find it! Fix it! Forgive it! | Episode 42 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

The Forgiveness Doctor Chapter 5: EPT's Simple Four Step Formula: Focus! Find it! Fix it! Forgive it!

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 42


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

As a holistic doctor, I get to help people with problems that have failed to respond to traditional medical care. I have learned that physical and emotional suffering that gets stuck in your life is usually coming from previous experiences where you heart was broken. It could be your parents divorced and you lost your family, or a parent or friend died. A teacher or coach may have humiliated you with criticism in front of your peer group. You may have been a child who was always alone and left out. You may have been a witness to your father abusing your mother or a sibling - or you. Your heart could have been broken just being left by your mom because she had to go to work.

In this podcast I will give you the longest chapter from my book, The Forgiveness Doctor. It includes all the nuts and bolts and more. 

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I Can't Forgive| Episode 41| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

I Can't Forgive

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 41


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

There are things that can happen that are really hard in life. I'm talking about the over-the-top traumas that are devastating to the individual and to humanity itself. Things like witnessing a murder at age 4 and then being raped at the burial site or having a family member brutally murdered for no reason. To talk about forgiveness in these traumas can seem heartless, and uncaring. The pain is so excruciating, and the thought of forgiving the offender seems impossible. You must remind yourself that forgiveness is not just about "freeing the offender". Forgiveness is about freeing the one who was offended. 

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Category:website -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

11 Natural Cures For Sick Kids| Episode 40| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

11 Natural Cures For Sick Kids

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 40


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

Over the past 30 years, I've learned some incredible ways to live life better - a little more in harmony with our creator and all the abundance that is meant for you.

In this podcast, I'm sharing some of that "natural health" knowledge that I've been blessed with.

Chronic coughs, runny noses, sore throats, headaches, tummy aches - with five kids, I've seen it all. My youngest is now a sophomore in college and I am proud to say, we never had to treat our sick kids with antibiotics or medical intervention. We have developed a good reputation in our community, providing natural health care to children. While vitamin C and plenty of water are always recommended for infections, I'm giving you 11 more practical and effective natural cures you can use to help your sick kids. 

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Category:website -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

9 Reasons You Should Take EPT Core Training | Episode 39| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

9 Reasons Why You Should Take EPT Core Training

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 39


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

Hi everyone! The incredible Linda Collier will be joining me in this podcast. 

We're going to give you all the reasons you need to take Emotional Polarity Technique Core Training.

We are positive that EPT Core Training is one of the best life investments and personal experiences you will ever know. EPT Core Training has immeasurable value as a hands on training compared to online trainings that lack the in person support and education.

1) You love helping people, in fact you have been helping people your whole life. 

In EPT Core Training, you will become an expert in helping people overcome the limitations from their past - the limitations that are keeping them from experiencing greater health, happiness and success right now. 

You will learn to quickly, almost mystically identify the emotional cause, the root memory that is causing their physical and emotional suffering. Once you uncover these significant hurts in another person's life, you will know exactly how to release the pain, opening up space for natural, divine healing transformation. 

2) EPT makes you an expert in helping people heal some of the most difficult life situations like divorce, death, cancer, abuse, autism, trauma, depression, anxiety and failure. Once you realize how it is possible to heal and release the suffering of the worst life traumas quickly and painlessly - how you view life completely changes. 

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Category:website -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Head Injury, Anxiety and EPT | Episode 38| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Head Injury, Anxiety and EPT

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 38


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

Did you know that anxiety can be caused by a previous head injury or brain injury?

In this podcast you will learn:

-A simple test that shows if you or your client has an unhealed head/brain injury.

-How to use EPT to release the energetic trauma to help speed up the tissue healing.

-How to use a magnet to speed up the healing of the brain.

-What the best nutritional supplement you can recomment to heal brain injury.

I will also have everyone on the call, do the simple test I will tell you about.

I will give each person who tests positive for an unhealed brain injury their specific nutritional protocol and magnetic protocol - including how long it will take.

I will also choose one person with an unhealed head/brain injury to do an EPT session with.

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Category:website -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Chapter 4 from The Forgiveness Doctor: Tools of EPT™: Magnets, Muscle Testing, Two-Pointing, SUDS, Charts | Episode 37| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Chapter 4 from The Forgiveness Doctor: Tools of EPT™: Magnets, Muscle Testing, Two-Pointing, SUDS, Charts

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 37


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

Now that we've explored the overall look of EPT™. We're going to get technical in this chapter, showing how it's done and why it works. If you are new to EPT™, feel free to skim this section and come back to it when you are ready to learn the procedure. I've included all the nuts and bolts so as you become proficient in EPT™, you will be able to use this chapter as a resource and a reminder.

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:23pm EST

Live EPT Session with Dr. Annette | Episode 36| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Live EPT Session with Dr. Annette

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 36


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

Dr. Annette does an EPT session to demonstrate how to use the statements of congruency: Show up. Pay attention. Tell the truth and Let go.

In this healing session, Dara would like to stop "checking out" when her husband and teen son are having conflicts.

Our testing reveals Dara is not congruent with "showing up" or "letting go". We use energy, intuition and forgiveness to laser in on exactly what keeps Dara from being her best self in this stressful life situation.

Listen in as Dr. Annette uses words to transform the energy in this family to align more with love. She also weaves family constellation dynamics into this individual session to support Dara's husband and son healing as well. 


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Category:website -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Show up. Pay attention. Tell the truth. Let go | Episode 35| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Show up. Pay attention. Tell the truth. Let go

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 35


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

Today I'll be talking about the EPT concept I call Statements of Congruency. 

You will learn:

-what the statements of congruency are.

-why these statements are incredibly useful in helping people get unstuck with the actions they must take to heal anything and everything.

-and finally, I'll explain how to use these statements of congruency as a scale that will help you navigate your client's inner world of beliefs, ideas and stored trauma more efficiently.

In episode 9, I talked about how to use the concept of "Stages of Healing" as a scale that informs you where you are STUCK SPIRITUALLY with regard to any focused issue or problem in your life that you are wishing to heal.

Statements of congruency give you information about where you are STUCK with ACTIONS YOU MUST TAKE to heal anything and everything in your life. 


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3 Steps to Heal a Divorce| Episode 34| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

3 Steps to Heal a Divorce

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 34


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

"I hate him and I'm over it! Unfortunately, I still have to deal with this man because we share children."

For many; divorce doesn't make a difficult relationship any easier.

Putting your marriage relationship to death, doesn't fix the pain, failure and frustration.

Long after the divorce papers are signed, you may carry the emotional scars of being deeply hurt and disappointed by the one you loved, trusted and made babies with. Like death, with divorce there is a real sense of loss; an emptiness, failure and broken heart. 

Today you will learn three essential steps you must take if you want to heal after a divorce. I will also give you some incredible forgiveness statements to say and breathe through to help get you through these three vital steps.

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Category:website -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

What is EPT™| Episode 33| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

What is EPT

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 33


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

In this podcast, you get to listen to chapter 3 from Dr. Annette Cargioli's book, The Forgiveness Doctor.

Buy the book now at www.TheForgivenessDoctor.com

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Category:website -- posted at: 3:57pm EST

Why Use Magnets in Energy Healing| Episode 32| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Why Use Magnets in Energy Healing

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 32


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

One of the goals of EPT is to change uncomfortable emotional reactions in the body so you can feel better.

Magnets assist in making that possible by changing the electromagnetic and biochemical programming of an emotional event. 

Not only do you feel better; you open up to possibilities of re-writing your life script the way you would like to live it. 

In this podcast you will learn:

Where I learned about magnets for healing the body.

What effect the north and south pole magnetic energies have on living tissue.

Why using magnets in energy healing is not only helpful to the person being healed but also helpful for the healer.

Finally, I will give you some specific ways you can use magnetic energy as your own energy replacement therapy.

I'll also include information about where you can buy a set of magnets to use for yourself. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:59pm EST

EPT Practitioner Interview - Dorothy Tomasic| Episode 31| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

EPT Practitioner Interview - Dorothy Tomasic 

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 31


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

In this EPT Practitioner Interview, Dr. Annette Cargioli will be interviewing fellow EPT Practitioner Dorothy Tomasic.

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Category:website -- posted at: 6:57pm EST

How is EPT Different From EFT| Episode 30| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

How is EPT Different From EFT

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 30


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

Okay, to answer your question about the difference between EPT and EFT.

EFT was developed by Gary Craig in 1994 - Ironically, this was about the same time I began teaching and developing EPT. 

It was years after I developed the core of EPT that I learned of Gary Craig and EFT. EPT was different from EFT in that it was not a "self-help" therapy, but a collaborative therapy where two or more people come together with a conscious intention for healing with respect for the greater connection of consciousness being essential to the movement of energy and expansion of consciousness. 

In other words, in EPT we recognize the unseen energy connection that exists when two or more people collaborate for the good outcome. I call that unseen connection - Love or God or the Holy Spirit.

In EPT we value that unseen connection even more that the actual EPT technique. The combination of the two elements, 

1) The actual EPT Technique and 

2) A Respect and honor for the unseen force of love that connects us all when we collaborate for the good of others. 

This combination speeds up the healing process and serves to raise consciousness of the energy of divine love. 

It is our awareness of our connection to this divine loving energy that awakens us to the love that we are and have always been and will always be. 

Find out more at www.Hope-For-Parkinsons.com 

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Category:website -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

EPT Practitioner Interview - Penny Langley| Episode 29| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

EPT Practitioner Interview - Penny Langley

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 29


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

In this EPT Practitioner Interview, Dr. Annette Cargioli will be interviewing fellow EPT Practitioner Penny Langley. 

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Category:website -- posted at: 4:10pm EST

Parkinsons Protocol Interview | Episode 28| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Parkinsons Protocol Interview

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 28


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

In this Episode:

Dr. Annette Cargioli interview Parkinsons Patient Linda Collier and her docter, Dr. Ron Cargioli about the specifics of the all natural amino acid therapy that stops the symptoms of Parkinsons.

Find out more at www.Hope-For-Parkinsons.com 

and Neurosciencemyths.com

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Category:website -- posted at: 10:42am EST

Hope For Parkinsons| Episode 27| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Hope For Parkinsons

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 27


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

In this Episode:

-Dr. Annette Cargioli talks to Linda Collier and Dr. Ron Cargioli about Linda's Symptom recovery of Parkinson's Disease.

-You will learn about an all natural nutritional therapy to eliminate the symptoms of Parkinson's. 

Find out more at www.Hope-For-Parkinsons.com 

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Category:website -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

EPT Practitioner Interview - Steve Olsen| Episode 26| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

EPT Practitioner Interview - Steve Olsen 

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 26


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

In this EPT Practitioner Interview, Dr. Annette Cargioli will be interviewing Master EPT Practitioner Steve Olsen. 

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Category:website -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

How Your Built-in Defense Pattern Keeps You Unconscious Part 2| Episode 25| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

How Your Built-in Defense Pattern Keeps You Unconcious Part 2 

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 25


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

This is part 2 of a 2 part podcast titled: How Your Built-in Defense Pattern Keeps You Unconscious. 

In part 1, I went into detail to describe the 5 basic defense patterns that people use when they are triggered by fear in any situation. 

Your defense pattern is a sort of automatic programming you were born with. 

This automatic response programming gives you a way to "react" or "respond" to things in your environment that threaten you. You don't even think about it - it just happens - as a way of protecting you from getting hurt.

In part 2 of this podcast, I'm going to briefly review the 5 basic defense patterns. If you want detailed information, you can check out part 1. 

This is so valuable because when you recognize these reactions, you know the person has just "gone unconscious" in their behavior. This recognizable core defensive reaction becomes a predictable way to know that you or another person is afraid.

It is a sign that you are just going through the motions in life without regard to creating anything new or better.

In addition to giving you a brief review of the 5 defense types, I'm going to give you some dynamite forgiveness statements and affirmations to help raise the level of consciousness of any one defense type. 

EPT is a healing modality that strategically raises one's conscious awareness and frees you up to create a new and improved life experience.

Hopefully, this information will raise your consciousness so that you can start to notice all those times you are just "going on autopilot" because you stopped using your power to be present in a perceived threatening situation.

When you show up for your life in present time consciousness, you open yourself up to infinite possibilities for conscious creative decision making that creates new and improved outcomes in your life. 

The basis of these 5 defense types comes from Barbara Brennan's book, Light Emerging. 

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EPT Practitioner Interview - Sherry Hamilton| Episode 24| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

EPT Practitioner Interview - Sherry Hamilton

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 24


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

In this EPT Practitioner Interview, Dr. Annette Cargioli will be interviewing fellow EPT Practitioner and younger sister Sherry Hamilton. 


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Category:website -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

How Your Built-in Defense Pattern Keeps You Unconscious Part 1| Episode 23| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

How Your Built-in Defense Pattern Keeps You Unconscious Part 1

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 23


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

Have you ever known someone whose reactionary behavior is rediculously predictable?

Flor example: Every time you say what you want, this person will want the opposite.

Or another one you may have encountered;

Every time you get into a deep discussion and you think it's going well - this person will turn it into a full on conflict and then blame you for causing it.

Your defense pattern is something you were born with. You need a response to things that threaten you - an automatic response; one you don't even think about - it just happens - as a way of protecting you.

Your defense pattern is the defense programming that you were born with.

In part one of this two part podcast you are going to learn:

-What is your unconscious go-to-reaction when you feel threatened?

-You will also learn how to recognize these unconscious reactions existing in others. Everyone has at least one automatic defense pattern that shows up without you even thinking about it - it gets played every time you feel threatened or afraid.

-I will teach you about the Defensive Aspects of Character Types. These descriptions are taken from the energy healing classic book, Light Emerging by Barbara Brennan.

I'll describe the 5 basic defense patterns that people use when they are triggered by fear in any situation. 

In part two of this podcast, I'll also give you some affirmations and forgiveness statements that you can use to become more conscious when you find yourself in life situations that trigger your predictable unconscious patter of defense. 

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Using EPT to Help Heal ADD and ADHD| Episode 22| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Using EPT to Help Heal ADD and ADHD

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 22


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder.

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Chances are you know someone who has one of these diagnoses.

In today's podcast, you will learn:

-What are the most commonly used drugs for ADD/ADHD

-You will also learn facts about prescribed ADHD drugs including known withdrawal symptoms

-I'm also going to review what leading experts have to say about whether or not these drugs really help with ADHD

-Finally, I'll be talking about how environmental influences can create or contribute to attention deficit disorder and how EPT can help.

-As always, I will throw in some forgiveness statements that you can use to help yourself or someone else who has ADD

-If you hang in there until the end, you will also learn about an essential oil that can balance a person with ADD. 

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Category:website -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

The Holistic Healers Roadmap to Launch Your Business to Amazing Success| Episode 21| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

The Holistic Healers Roadmap to Launch Your Business to Amazing Success

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 21


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

-Overcome Your Greatest Fears

-Learn the Most Profitable Actions You Can Take Now 

-Get a Structured Weekly Marketing Plan 

- Overcome Your Most Painful Challenges 


Join this Hangout On Air and get great content from Dr. Annette Cargioli, Penny Langley and Linda Collier that will ispire you, boost your healing business and help you get on the road to reach your success destination.


We'll also tell you how the BusinessWorks Beach Training can help you:

-Achieve your goals faster and easier.

-Support you to create your dream business.

-Make your process of radical transformation more fun and enjoyable than you can imagine. 


Audience members will be able to ask questions in a text box during the Hangout.

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Healing Abuse| Episode 20| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Healing Abuse 

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 20


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

A study of nearly 4,000 men and women revealed that 32 percent of men and 23 percent of women typically kept their feelings bottled up during marital spats.

Women who didn't speak their minds in those fights were four times more likely to die during the 10-year study period as women who always spoke their minds. 

In fact, self-silencing takes a surprising physical toll on women.

Other studies have linked the trait to numerous psychological and physical health risks including: depression, eating disorders and heart disease. 

Additionally, the way you interact during marital arguments is as important a heart risk factor as whether you smoke or have high cholesterol, says Timothy W. Smith, a psychology professor at the University of Utah.

For women, whether her husband's arguing style is warm or hostile had the biggest impact on her health.

Interestingly, the level of warmth or hostility had no impact on men's heart health. Instead, the men's heart risk increased if disagreements with his wife involved a battle for control-- regardless of whether he or his wife was the one vying for control.. 

A study that evaluated 600 women between the ages of 30 and 65 over the course of 10 years revealed that loving and healthy relationships had a positive influence on the way the heart functioned.

In this podcast, titled HEALING ABUSE, you will learn:

-How to spot abuse in a client

-How to handle a client who is in an abusive relationship.

-Why abuse and chronic illness usually go together 

-How EPT can help empower those who are in abusive relationships to make the best possible decisions for their life.


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Category:website -- posted at: 10:03pm EST

EPT Practitioner Interview - Rhonda Cupp| Episode 19| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

EPT Practitioner Interview - Rhonda Cupp

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 19


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

In this podcast, Dr. Annette Cargioli interviews fellow EPT Practitioner Rhonda Cupp. 


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Category:website -- posted at: 9:35pm EST

EPT Practitioner Interview - Linda Collier| Episode 18| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

EPT Practitioner Interview - Linda Collier

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 18


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

In this podcast, Dr. Annette Cargioli interviews her sister and fellow EPT Works Practitioner Linda Collier. 


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Category:website -- posted at: 7:33pm EST

What To Do With Anger and Hatred I Have a Right To| Episode 17| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

What To Do With Anger and Hatred I Have a Right To

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 17


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

Have you ever been treated unfairly?

I'm not talking about getting cut off in traffic or getting a small scoop of ice cream when everyone else's one scoop is ginormous. 

I'm talking about the kind of assault verbally or physically that you didn't do anything to deserve. You were trying your best to be helpful and kind and out of nowhere, there is this abuse or trauma dealt to you in your life. 

This is the kind of hurt a child faces when her older brother or even a parent constantly beats her down, telling her she is worthless and deserves to be beaten.

This is the kind of hurt we witness when we learn of a child who has been sexually abused by her grandfather for years.

This is the kind of hurt a woman, or man for that matter, faces when a spouse constantly berates them or physically assualts them without any just cause. 

This is the kind of hurt you face when a drunk driver causes the death of your teen daughter. 

This kind of unjustified hurt has a way of bringing out the worst in us.

Not just the person who was hurt by this kind of tragedy brings out the worst in all of us. 

An Abused wife may hate her abusive husband, and we don't blame her for that hatred. 

As a community, we hold anger and hatred for the drunk driver who kills our neighbors daughter. We hold anger and hatred for the perverted sexual offender and the drug dealer who supplies the addict. We hold anger and hatred for the addict who won't get clean and keeps abusing his family. 

Emotions of contempt, anger and hatred boil inside of us as we try to make sense of the abuse and hurt that we could not prevent.

These kinds of experiences are the ones we can't own---instead they own us. By their nature they take away our power to love and forgive and still trust God and that is good. 

If ignored and not healed with love and forgiveness, the anger and hatred you have a right to will make you sick and destroy the good God has for your life.

This is what today's podcast is about:

What To D With Anger and Hatred I Have a Right To

I'm going to talk about:

-how releasing this type of anger and hatred will empower your life, and not make you more vulnerable,

-how holding this energy not only prevents you from having a better life, it block you from receiving healing in your life and in your children's lives.

-I'll also talk about why you need to release this type of anger and hatred now,

-and I give you some forgiveness statements that target anger and hatred that has come from the worst traumas and can be the hardest to let go of. 



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5 Reasons You Hold on to Low Self-esteem| Episode 16| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

5 Reasons You Hold on to Low Self-esteem

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 16


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook. 

In today's episode, I am going to tell you 5 reasons that you may hold on to low self-esteem, Or the people that you may be working with if you are an EPT Practioner; why they hold on to low self-esteem. The deal is, the reason you may have low self-esteem is because you may not be letting it go. You have to use energy to hold it on, and nobody can get it out of your hands except you. 


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Category:website -- posted at: 7:57pm EST

Healing from Toxic Relationships| Episode 15| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Healing from Toxic Relationships

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 15


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook. 

Have you ever found yourself deeply hurt by a friend or family member you have given everything to and you feel confused about what exactly happened in the relationship that destroyed it and broke your heart...

After the relationship is destroyed and your heart is broken, you still find yourself rehashing it in your mind trying to figure out what you could have done differently to save it. 

In today's episode, Heal From Toxic Relationships, you will learn:

-How to recognize a toxic relatioship before you give up all your power to it.

-What type of person is most likely to create toxic relatioships with you.

-Why the kindest and most giving people are vulnerable to lose their power in a toxic relationship.

-Finally, I will give you specific forgiveness statements that can transform this pattern of behavior in your life, release the hurt and reclaim ownership of your God-given power back so that no one can ever steal it from you again. 

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Category:website -- posted at: 10:47pm EST

Want in on all my personal secrets to a healthy life?| Episode 14| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Want in on all my personal secrets to a healthy life?

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 14


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook. 

With EPT you begin to love and care for yourself more than ever. This transformation opens you up to taking good care of yourself, maybe for the first time in your life.

In the growing world of vitamins, herbs, homeopathies, eating plans, holistic programs and an increasingly toxic environment, it can be overwhelming to change your lifestyle in the easiest and most effective way to better your health.

Im going to share my favorite natural remedies for your improved life and health. 

There will be lots of information, but I guarantee it will help you sort through the most important changes for you to make now and it will also give you practical ways to improve your health with less effort. 


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Category:website -- posted at: 12:00am EST

EPT Practitioner Interview-  Paige Cargioli| Episode 13| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

EPT Practitioner Interview - Paige Cargioli

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 13


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook. 

In this podcast, Dr. Annette Cargioli interviews her daughter Paige Cargioli. 

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Category:website -- posted at: 9:12am EST

EPT Practitioner Interview- Jolisa Stewart| Episode 12 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

EPT Practitioner Interview - Jolisa Stewart

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 12


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook. 

In this podcast, Dr. Annette Cargioli interviews Jolisa Stewart. Jolisa has been an EPT practitioner for over 8 years. You can contact Jolisa for an EPT appointment at JolisaStewart@gmail.com. She holds office space in Englewood, Florida (Tampa Bay area). She is avaiable for Skype appointments as well as in-office appointments. Her website is JolisaClaireHolisticFoundations.com

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Category:website -- posted at: 5:01pm EST

How EPT Can Help You Heal From Your Inhereted Emotions a.k.a "Generational Memory" | Episode 11 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

How EPT Can Help You Heal from your Inhereted Emotions a.k.a "Generational Memory"

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 11


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook. 

You're going to learn: What is a generational memory, what scientists are confirming about generational memory, how to identify if the toxic emotional pattern is inherited from a previous generation, you will also learn how exactly to use EPT to release the energy pattern of generational memory.


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Category:website -- posted at: 12:56pm EST

What Is Emotional Healing? | Episode 10 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

What Is Emotional Healing?

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 10


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.  

This Episode is a sneak peak into my new book the forgiveness Doctor. Chapter 2 is all about what emotional healing is. 

When people call my office and tell me they are "dying", it can mean a lot of things. I help people with all kinds of physical pain, disease and emotional pain. One usually doesn't show up without the other. Most people understand their physical pain being the cause of emotional distress, but few really comprehend how their emotional stress can be the cause of their physical pain and dis-ease. After all, if I break my leg and face confinement to a wheelchair for six weeks, I might become very angry, frustrated, depressed and insecure. Folks would pat me on the head and say, "Of course you are angry, look at what you have gone through; anyone would feel that way. Most people agree that physical trauma can generate, even justify, emotional stress. What if releasing the emotional pain could have a positive healing effect on the physical problem? Is it even possible to release anger, blame or sadness if physical or situational stresses continue to incite anger or hopelessness within you?

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Category:website -- posted at: 4:54pm EST

The Seven Stages of Healing | Episode 9 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

The Seven Stages of Healing

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 9


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.  

In this episode, you will learn: what are the seven stages of healing, how to identify the stage that person is in, and why that is important for getting faster healing results. For those listening who are new to EPT, you will learn why you are not healing in your life, and you will find out exactly where you are stuck, and how EPT can get you unstuck faster than you thought possible. 

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Get your Free Training: www.eptworks.com

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Category:website -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

A Review of EPT Core Training Level 1 Part 2 | Episode 8 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

A Review of EPT Core Training Level 1 Part 2

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 8


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.  

Hi everyone, this is Episode #8 and it's is going to be a continued review of what we did in Episode #7 of EPT Core Training Level 1.  In this episode I will be reviewing fundamentals of techinque as taught in level 1, but first we are going to have an event update from the lovely Linda Collier.

Upcoming Events:

March 7th, Bravo Restaruant, Indianapolis, IN

March 20th 6:00 Cincinnati, Ohio @ Recon Mexicano Restaurant and Cantina,

Lifeworks Retreat April 23rd-25th Deston, FL

Level 1 Core Training, April 18-19th, Fishers, IN

Level 2 Core Training, May 16th-17th, Fishers, IN

Level 3 Core Training, June 6th-7th, Fishers, IN

Spring Core Training, May 8th-9th, San Antonio, TX

Spring Core Training, May 29th-30th, San Antonio, TX

Spring Core Training, June 26th-27th, San Antonio, TX

Progressive Concepts, August 8th-9th, Fishers, IN

Progressive Concepts, November 21st-22nd, Fishers, IN

Business Works, November 5th-10th, Deston, FL 

Lifeworks Retreat, November 10th-14th, Deston, FL

Interested? Email us at eptworks@gmail.com

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Subscribe to our Podcast:  http://eptworks.libsyn.com/rss

Get your Free Training: www.eptworks.com

Find us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/eptworks

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Category:website -- posted at: 7:54pm EST

A Review of EPT Core Training Level 1 | Episode 7 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

A Review of EPT Core Training Level 1

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 7 


Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.  

Hello everyone, this is Episode 7, a review of EPT Core Training Level 1.  In this episode I will be reviewing fundamentals of this technique as taught in level 1.  This will include muscle testing, body scanning, 2 pointing, and of course, forgiveness!

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Category:website -- posted at: 7:23pm EST

Help For Borderline Personality Disorder With Emotional Polarity Technique | Episode 6 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Help For Borderline Personality Disorder With Emotional Polarity Technique

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 6

Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.  

Welcome to Episode 6.  This episode is called 'Help For Borderline Personality Disorder With Emotional Polarity Technique.'  In this episdoe you will learn how emotional polarity technique provides unique emotionally energetic based therapy for people diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.  You will learn why these people become cutters and why they are so prone to suicide and suicide threats.  I'm going to talk about what is actually going on in the brain of a person with Borderline Personality Disorder that creates so much of their suffering.  I will also discuss what is necessary to heal this disorder, how long that may take, and what is the best EPT therapeutic approach to help someone with Borderline Personality Disorder.


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Faith To Raise The Dead | Episode 5 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Faith To Raise The Dead

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 5

Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

Thanks for joining me for Episode 5, "Faith To Raise The Dead."  In this episode I'm going to talk about raising the dead in your life.  Maybe your faith is dead, maybe your relationship with a close family member is dead, it could be your marriage has died, or your relationship with your children, or your relationship with your body, or maybe the part of you that believed in love and hoped for a better life, has died.

In this episode you will learn how EPT can bring life back to the things in your life that are dead.  First a little warning, if you are offended by bible scripture, you may not want to listen to this podcast.  I'm warning you now, I will be sharing with you scriptures from the bible where dead people were brought back to life.  I believe there is a lot of wisdom in there to guide us in manifesting the resurrection of life out of death.

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Category:website -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Can a Dead Person Keep You From Being Well? | Episode 4 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Can a Dead Person Keep You From Being Well?

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 4

Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

This Episode 4 is titled, "Can a Dead Person Keep You From Being Well?" In this episode I will talk about how the energy of a dead person can make you chronically ill and that many times when you are not getting better it is because you are carrying the pain or illness of someone who has died.  You will also learn why this is not weird or complicated and probably happens more often than you think it does.  Finally, I will talk about how an EPT practioner can easily identify if this, your close connection with someone who has died, is actually the cause of your chronic pain or illness and how energy, intuition, and forgiveness, how using that you can quickly release that stuck energy and immediately feel better and move on with your life.

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Get your Free Training: www.eptworks.com

Find us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/eptworks

Direct download: EPTworks_Episode_4_-_Can_A_Dead_Person_Keep_You_From_Being_Well.mp3
Category:website -- posted at: 7:00am EST

Stop Overeating with Emotional Polarity Technique | Over Eating | Episode 3 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness

Stop Overeating with Emotional Polarity Techinque

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 3

Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

Welcome to episode 3, Stop Overeating with Emotional Polarity Technique.  This episode is all about emotional eating.  If you have ever wondered why you keep eating even though you aren't hungry, or you eat more food even though you are stuffed full to the brim, then in this episode you are going to learn 3 crazy emotional reasons you overeat.  I'm also going to give you specific forgiveness statements designed to free you from the beliefs that are driving your compulsive overeating and put you in a healthy relationship with food forever.  Finally I will walk you through statements from an actual EPT session, so that you also can benefit for your own healing transformation in your own relationship with food.  So let's get started.  3 Ways to Stop Overeating.

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Category:website -- posted at: 9:19pm EST

Overcoming Obessive Compulsive Disorder with Emotional Polarity Technique | OCD | Episode 2 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Healing

Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with Emotional Polarity Techinque

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 2

Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

Today is episode 2.  We are talking about healing obsessive compulsive disorder with emotional polarity technique.  You will lear: what is OCD, why people become obsessed, and how emotional polarity technique can help eliminate obsessive compulsive disorder.

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Subscribe to our Podcast:  http://eptworks.libsyn.com/rss

Get your Free Training: www.eptworks.com

Find us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/eptworks

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Category:general -- posted at: 10:20am EST

What is Emotional Polarity Technique | EPTworks | Episode 1: Listen, Love, Give | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Healing | Happiness

What is Emotional Polarity Technique

EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give Podcast

Episode 1

Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor.  I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good.  You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook.

Today is episode 1,  I am giving you the Preface and Chapter 1 of my new book, Listen, Love, Give.  You are going to find out who I am, how EPT started, who needs EPT, how EPT works, the importance of perception, the emotional toolbelt, the concept of "No longer serves you well," the scientific theory of why EPT works, and most importantly how EPT is like Google for your life problems.

Like Us on Facebook:  www.facebook.com/eptworks

Subscribe to our Podcast:  http://eptworks.libsyn.com/rss

Get your Free Training: www.eptworks.com

Find us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/eptworks

Direct download: First_Episode_-_EPT_Works_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:53am EST

EPTworks podcasts give an indepth guide to the emotional polarity technique.  Dr. Annette Cargioli

Category: -- posted at: 4:21pm EST