Tue, 16 December 2014
Stop Overeating with Emotional Polarity Technique | Over Eating | Episode 3 | EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness
Stop Overeating with Emotional Polarity TechinqueEPTworks: Listen, Love, Give PodcastEpisode 3Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor. I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good. You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at www.eptworks.com and like us on Facebook. Welcome to episode 3, Stop Overeating with Emotional Polarity Technique. This episode is all about emotional eating. If you have ever wondered why you keep eating even though you aren't hungry, or you eat more food even though you are stuffed full to the brim, then in this episode you are going to learn 3 crazy emotional reasons you overeat. I'm also going to give you specific forgiveness statements designed to free you from the beliefs that are driving your compulsive overeating and put you in a healthy relationship with food forever. Finally I will walk you through statements from an actual EPT session, so that you also can benefit for your own healing transformation in your own relationship with food. So let's get started. 3 Ways to Stop Overeating. Like Us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/eptworks Subscribe to our Podcast: http://eptworks.libsyn.com/rss Get your Free Training: www.eptworks.com Find us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/eptworks
Direct download: EPTworks_Episode_3_-_Ways_to_Stop_Overeating.mp3
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