Mon, 27 July 2015
How Your Built-in Defense Pattern Keeps You Unconscious Part 2| Episode 25| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness
How Your Built-in Defense Pattern Keeps You Unconcious Part 2EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give PodcastEpisode 25Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor. I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good. You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at and like us on Facebook. This is part 2 of a 2 part podcast titled: How Your Built-in Defense Pattern Keeps You Unconscious. In part 1, I went into detail to describe the 5 basic defense patterns that people use when they are triggered by fear in any situation. Your defense pattern is a sort of automatic programming you were born with. This automatic response programming gives you a way to "react" or "respond" to things in your environment that threaten you. You don't even think about it - it just happens - as a way of protecting you from getting hurt. In part 2 of this podcast, I'm going to briefly review the 5 basic defense patterns. If you want detailed information, you can check out part 1. This is so valuable because when you recognize these reactions, you know the person has just "gone unconscious" in their behavior. This recognizable core defensive reaction becomes a predictable way to know that you or another person is afraid. It is a sign that you are just going through the motions in life without regard to creating anything new or better. In addition to giving you a brief review of the 5 defense types, I'm going to give you some dynamite forgiveness statements and affirmations to help raise the level of consciousness of any one defense type. EPT is a healing modality that strategically raises one's conscious awareness and frees you up to create a new and improved life experience. Hopefully, this information will raise your consciousness so that you can start to notice all those times you are just "going on autopilot" because you stopped using your power to be present in a perceived threatening situation. When you show up for your life in present time consciousness, you open yourself up to infinite possibilities for conscious creative decision making that creates new and improved outcomes in your life. The basis of these 5 defense types comes from Barbara Brennan's book, Light Emerging. Like Us on Facebook: Subscribe to our Podcast: Get your Free Training: Find us on Twitter:
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