Sun, 12 July 2015
How Your Built-in Defense Pattern Keeps You Unconscious Part 1| Episode 23| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness
How Your Built-in Defense Pattern Keeps You Unconscious Part 1EPTworks: Listen, Love, Give PodcastEpisode 23Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor. I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good. You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at and like us on Facebook. Have you ever known someone whose reactionary behavior is rediculously predictable? Flor example: Every time you say what you want, this person will want the opposite. Or another one you may have encountered; Every time you get into a deep discussion and you think it's going well - this person will turn it into a full on conflict and then blame you for causing it. Your defense pattern is something you were born with. You need a response to things that threaten you - an automatic response; one you don't even think about - it just happens - as a way of protecting you. Your defense pattern is the defense programming that you were born with. In part one of this two part podcast you are going to learn: -What is your unconscious go-to-reaction when you feel threatened? -You will also learn how to recognize these unconscious reactions existing in others. Everyone has at least one automatic defense pattern that shows up without you even thinking about it - it gets played every time you feel threatened or afraid. -I will teach you about the Defensive Aspects of Character Types. These descriptions are taken from the energy healing classic book, Light Emerging by Barbara Brennan. I'll describe the 5 basic defense patterns that people use when they are triggered by fear in any situation. In part two of this podcast, I'll also give you some affirmations and forgiveness statements that you can use to become more conscious when you find yourself in life situations that trigger your predictable unconscious patter of defense. Like Us on Facebook: Subscribe to our Podcast: Get your Free Training: Find us on Twitter:
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