Thu, 28 May 2015
What To Do With Anger and Hatred I Have a Right To| Episode 17| EPTworks Listen, Love, Give Podcast | Holistic Emotional Therapy | Forgiveness
What To Do With Anger and Hatred I Have a Right ToEPTworks: Listen, Love, Give PodcastEpisode 17Hi I'm Dr. Annette Cargioli the forgiveness doctor. I'm here to help you create phenomenal, health happiness and new life with energy, intuition, and forgiveness. Ept is short for emotional polarity technique, an innovative holistic emotional therapy that will change your life for good. You can subscribe to this podcast and get free EPT training at and like us on Facebook. Have you ever been treated unfairly? I'm not talking about getting cut off in traffic or getting a small scoop of ice cream when everyone else's one scoop is ginormous. I'm talking about the kind of assault verbally or physically that you didn't do anything to deserve. You were trying your best to be helpful and kind and out of nowhere, there is this abuse or trauma dealt to you in your life. This is the kind of hurt a child faces when her older brother or even a parent constantly beats her down, telling her she is worthless and deserves to be beaten. This is the kind of hurt we witness when we learn of a child who has been sexually abused by her grandfather for years. This is the kind of hurt a woman, or man for that matter, faces when a spouse constantly berates them or physically assualts them without any just cause. This is the kind of hurt you face when a drunk driver causes the death of your teen daughter. This kind of unjustified hurt has a way of bringing out the worst in us. Not just the person who was hurt by this kind of tragedy brings out the worst in all of us. An Abused wife may hate her abusive husband, and we don't blame her for that hatred. As a community, we hold anger and hatred for the drunk driver who kills our neighbors daughter. We hold anger and hatred for the perverted sexual offender and the drug dealer who supplies the addict. We hold anger and hatred for the addict who won't get clean and keeps abusing his family. Emotions of contempt, anger and hatred boil inside of us as we try to make sense of the abuse and hurt that we could not prevent. These kinds of experiences are the ones we can't own---instead they own us. By their nature they take away our power to love and forgive and still trust God and that is good. If ignored and not healed with love and forgiveness, the anger and hatred you have a right to will make you sick and destroy the good God has for your life. This is what today's podcast is about: What To D With Anger and Hatred I Have a Right To I'm going to talk about: -how releasing this type of anger and hatred will empower your life, and not make you more vulnerable, -how holding this energy not only prevents you from having a better life, it block you from receiving healing in your life and in your children's lives. -I'll also talk about why you need to release this type of anger and hatred now, -and I give you some forgiveness statements that target anger and hatred that has come from the worst traumas and can be the hardest to let go of.
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